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ParentCamp NKY - College & Career Edition Feedback Form

Thank you for taking a few moments to give us your feedback about the ParentCampNKY- College and Career Edition that took place on September 29th. We are planning another event in January and would love to utilize your feedback in our planning. 
Thank you!
1. Did you attend our virtual ParentCampNKY as a parent, family member, student, or educational representative? (Choose your primary role as an attendee) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
What grade(s) do you work with primarily?
What grade is your student in? (Check all that apply if you have more than one student)
2. How effective do you feel the introduction was at helping you understand how the evening would unfold? *This question is required.
Very effectiveEffectiveNeutralIneffectiveVery Ineffective
3. Based on your experience in the breakout rooms you participated in, during the September ParentCampNKY, which do you recommend we offer (again) in the January ParentCampNKY? (Choose N/A if you didn't attend a specific breakout room) *This question is required.
Space Cell Highly RecommendRecommendSomewhat RecommendDon't RecommendN/A
Room 1- A Guide to Life After High School for English Learners with Special Needs (In Spanish)
Room 2- Navigating to post-secondary for Spanish Speaking Families (In Spanish)
Room 3- Is a Leader Born or Raised? (In Spanish)
Room 4- Grades, Rigor and Testing are the Keys to Cash for College
Room 5- Perks for Military Servie
Room 6- Two for the Price of One - Understand how to get high school and college credit at the same time
Room 7- Fork in the Road - College Pathways and the credits that help you move through college
Room 8- What can I be when I grow up? How can I get there?
Room 9- Top 5 In-Demand Careers, Connecting you and your student to NKY Resources
Room 10- Open discussion about college including: scholarships, loans, admissions, tuition insurance - you name it!
Room 11- Hidden Treasures - Explaining the benefits of graduating with a skilled trade and being work ready with zero debt
Room 12- Take It From Me, Hear from parents and graduates as they share what they learned and what they wish they knew
4. (Continued) Based on your experience in the breakout rooms you participated in, during the September ParentCampNKY, which do you recommend we offer (again) in the January ParentCampNKY? (Choose N/A if you didn't attend a specific breakout room) *This question is required.
Space Cell Highly RecommendRecommendSomewhat RecommendDon't RecommendN/A
Room 13- Lean-In - Learning how to get involved in your school
Room 14- Exploration, Exposure and Experience - Learn the tools to explore career opportunities
Room 15- What’s Your Student’s Superpower? Help your student choose the right career based on their aptitudes
Room 16- Students with Special Needs and the Gifts They Have
Room 17- Empower Students and Families to Rise Up!
Room 18- Wandering But Not Lost, Connecting our school youth to career opportunities
Room 19- COVID Keepers - Looking at the positive side of the pandemic impact
Room 20- Why is My Teenager Doing That? Brain Development in the Teenage Years
Room 21- Cultivating Cultural Competence for College or Career
Room 22- Exploding Opportunities at Ignite Institute - A Journey of Student Engagement and Empowerment
Room 23- Getting FRYSC - A bountiful resource for families
Room 24- Empowering Your Students- Advise, Guide, But Don't Decide