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2024 LGBTQIA+ Health Equity Survey


This survey is designed to assess several health and related issues for those who are LGBTQIA+ in Buncombe and surrounding counties. The results will be helpful to Blue Ridge Pride and other local organizations in crafting programs, filling gaps, and engaging in advocacy for our community. Your responses to this survey are completely voluntary. There are only 4 required responses in the beginning to assess eligibility. Responses from those under 18 will not be accepted; we will be holding special in-person opportunities for youth where parents can consent.

Should you like to receive one of the incentives offered, you will be taken to another short survey afterwards which will capture identifying information, but as it is a separate survey, will not be linked in any way to your replies. You must complete the survey to receive an incentive, but any question which you do not want to answer can be skipped as you go through. Please note: if you would like to go back or forwards through the survey, please use the Back and Next buttons within the survey; if you use the web browser's back or forward buttons it will kick you out of the survey and you will be unable to finish.

At the end of this survey, you will receive a link to a resource page for some of the items we ask about in the survey. If at anytime you experience difficulty in filling out this survey, please email: or call (828) 820-3993 for assistance. Thank you for taking the time to help us help WNC!